ONLINE Self-Paced 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training & Certification

Yoga Alliance Registered Certification + Curriculum with Heart and Soul. Learn through recorded lessons in an online video format with invitations to optional live mentoring via Zoom. We provide a 300+ page manual and Certification with your tuition. Take as much or as little time as you need!

5(6 Ratings) 81 Students enrolled
Created by Erika Faith Last updated Fri, 14-Jun-2024 English
$2000 $2995
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  • 81:04:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 32 Lessons
  • Video archive access
  • Access on mobile and tv
What will I learn?
  • Qualification at the Yoga Alliance 200 RYT Designation
  • 200-hr Yoga Teacher Certification
  • In-Depth Yoga Study & Practice
  • Life-Changing Curriculum to Enhance All Aspects of Life

Curriculum for this course
32 Lessons 81:04:00 Hours
Lesson 1
2 Lessons 07:11:29 Hours
  • Lesson 1a 04:15:29
    • Program Overview
    • The 7 Moving Principles: Foundations for Yoga Practice & A Language for Cuing
    • Lecture: What is Yoga? The Eight-Limbed Path
  • Lesson 1b 02:56:00
    • Anatomy: Body Assessments: Compression/Tension/Proportion/Orientation
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 81 – 105
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheet: Understanding Basic Terms. Use Yoga Body p. 5 – 30 as a reference + Basic Anatomy for Teachers 1, 2 & 3 and What’s In A Stretch Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad

  • Lesson 2a 03:22:50
    • Practice: Opening With Vocal Release & Self Care as Ground for Everything - Ahimsa
    • Lecture: What is Permission-based Yoga? Understand our Cloud Nine + Quadrant Style Sequencing
    • Sanskrit Introduction & Yoga :: Nidra * Music * Sanskrit - Google Drive
    • Asana Intensive: Centering Meditation, Intro to Sun Salutations (1/2, Classical, and A series breakdowns) + Basic Breath Instruction (Dirgha & Ujjayi Pranayama)
  • Lesson 2b 02:59:15
    • Anatomy: Review Basic Terms
    • Peer Teaching: Pair Up for Surya Namaskars focusing on pacing and cuing the breath
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 106 – 130, p. 231 - 250
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheets: Vertebral Column and Diaphragm. Use Yoga Body p. 33 – 79 as a reference + Save Your Neck & Breathing Room Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad
  • Lesson 3a 04:01:54
    • Practice: Yoga Unraveled - Satya
    • Lecture: 4 Types of Yoga, The Schools and Styles of Yoga
    • Asana Intensive: Foundations in Standing & Balancing Poses: The Stances (Mountain, Forward, Side, Wide)

  • Lesson 3b 03:02:03
    • Anatomy: Vertebral Column & Diaphragm
    • Peer Teaching: Partner up to teach a 3-Pose Standing Flow (Keep it simple)
    • Finish/Review ALL Farhi readings through page 130
    • Listen to Nicolai Bachman in Erikaʻs Google Drive
    • Script a Meditation/Centering for Quadrant 1
  • Lesson 4a 02:35:23
    • Practice: Yin Slow / Yang Flow - Brahmacharya
    • Asana Intensive: Review Basic 20 Vinyasa Flow Poses
  • Lesson 4b 01:15:29
    • Lecture: Pranayama & Bandhas
  • Lesson 4c 02:49:58
    • Peer Teaching: Round Robin - 10-minute Centering Meditation w/ Breath Focus (Quad 1)
    • Extra time: Script out Quadrant 2 without Sun Salutations!
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 131 – 145
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheet: Shoulder Girdle. Use YogaBody p. 153 – 170 as a reference + Dump The Slump & Break Out of Your Slump Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad
  • Lesson 5a 00:37:42
    • 30 day check-in
  • Lesson 5b 03:05:25
    • Practice: A Kinds of Meditations - Asteya
    • Lecture: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
    • Asana Intensive: Fun with Arm Balances, IntrtSeated Poses (Twists/Hips/Forward Bends)
  • Lesson 5c 02:57:05
    • Peer Teaching: Round Robin - Sun Salutes with Variations (Quadrant 2)
    • Anatomy: Shoulder Girdle
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 145 - 170
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheet: Abdomen using YogaBody p. 135-142 as a reference + Forget Six Pack Abs Yoga Journal article by FernandPages Ruiz
  • Lesson 6a 03:32:40
    • Practice: Savasana & Guided Visualization - Aparigraha
    • Anatomy/Topic Review: Clarifications, Prep for Quiz on Basic Terms, Compression & Tension, Vertebral Column, Diaphragm, 8 Limbs, Yamas & Niyamas, 7 Moving Principles, Pranayama, Bandhas, Posture/Sanskrit ID, Four Types of Yoga
  • Lesson 6b 02:32:07
    • Anatomy: Abdominals
    • Asana Intensive: ABS! Oh MY! Cont…Quad 3: Reclining Forward Bends, Twists, Hip Openers
    • Peer Teaching: Teach a Standing Balancing 3-Pose Sequence (Quadrant 2)
    • Homework: Study for Quiz (Use the Quiz Sheets in the back of the Manual)
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 172 - 204
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheets: Pelvis, Leg, Ankle & Foot using YogaBody p. 119 – 132 as a reference + Feet First, Thighs Matter, The Long & Short of Legs, Get Hip About Flexors, and Great Gluts Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad
  • Lesson 7a 00:33:10
    • Lecture: Cloud Nine Yoga Adjustment Philosophy: Proper Communication, Light touch
  • Lesson 7b 01:52:06
    • Practice: Mudra Inspired Flow & Yin Yoga Slow - Saucha
    • Asana Intensive: Essentials for Safe Back Bending Practice ~ Backbending Poses/Counterposes
  • Lesson 7c 01:02:31
    • Lecture: Chakras East & West
  • Lessn 7d 01:50:14
    • Anatomy: Pelvis, Legs, Ankle + Foot
    • Peer Teaching: Outline a Sequence for Quadrant 3
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheet: Elbow, Wrist and Hand using YogaBody p. 171 – 191
    • as a reference + Arms Control & Bearing Up Under Pressure Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad
    • Homework: Read Farhi p. 205 - 230
  • Lesson 8a 03:46:26
    • Practice: Deepening IntAsana Happiness - Santosha
    • Lecture: The Psychology of Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga for Mental Health
    • Asana Intensive: Arm Balancing + Inversions Deconstructed
  • Lesson 8b 02:48:10
    • Anatomy: Elbow, Wrist, & Hand
    • Peer Teaching: Teach your Quadrant 3 sequence
    • Homework: Read: Farhi p. 231 – 250
    • Homework: Complete Anatomy Worksheet: Injury & Modifications using YogaBody as a reference and Sprained, Strained or Pained & Synovial Fluid and Inflamed Joints Yoga Journal articles by Julie Gudmestad
  • Lesson 9a 03:43:01
    • Practice: Moon Salutes + Restoratives - Tapas
    • Lecture: Ayurveda & Yogi Nutrition, Kriyas
    • Asana Intensive: Modifying Poses, Assists & Adjustments
  • Lesson 9b 02:50:16
    • Anatomy: Injury & Modifications
    • Peer Teaching: Script out the Best Quadrant 4 Experience 
    • Homework: Farhi p. 251 – 269
    • Homework: Design a full 60 minute Yoga Class Outline
    • Homework: Practice your Savasana Script with a partner/friend
    • Homework: Be sure to fill out the Skeleton Key at the end of the Anatomy Section of the Manual
  • Lesson 10a 04:02:42
    • Practice: Compassionate Communication Model - Swadhyaya
    • Asana Intensive: Yin Yoga & Mindfulness
    • Lecture: Mudras & Mantras, Hinduism & Deities
  • Lesson 10b 02:14:08
    • Anatomy: Skeleton Key
    • Peer Teaching: Final Presentation Assignment + Break Out Group Work
    • Homework: Teach Your 15-minute sequence with a Peer in your Group or a friend (get feedback!)
    • Homework: Study Quiz Sheets and fill out the remaining in preparation for the Final Exam Review
  • Lesson 11a 01:07:51
    • Practice: Itʻs Personal & Spiritual - Isvarapranidhana
    • Lecture: Professional Info, Ethics, & Classroom Safety Review
    • Asana Intensive: Adapting the Practice: Seniors, Motion Restriction, Kids Yoga, Prenatal
  • Lesson 11b 02:05:10
    • Anatomy: Review Remaining Quiz Sheets & Topics for Final Exam
    • Peer Teaching: Break Out into Final Teaching Groups to Prepare Presentations
    • Homework: Practice Teaching Your 15-minute Yoga Sequence
    • Homework: Study For Final Exam (Anatomy, Sanskrit, Topics)
  • Lesson 11c 00:28:54
    • Final Exam Review
  • Lesson 11d 02:35:07
    • Anatomy Review
  • Lesson 12a 03:16:03
    • Teaching Presentations
  • Lesson 12b 02:58:49
    • Solo Classes
  • Lesson 13 03:46:02
    • Final Group Practice
  • Book - Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit: A Return to Wholeness (Donna Farhi)
  • Book - Yoga Body by Judith Hanson-Lasater
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Cloud Nine Yoga is a 200/300 Yoga Alliance Registered School since 2002. We have been training yoga teachers and offering certification courses since 1999.

This course is made possible due to a special provision from Yoga Alliance that allows Registered Yoga Schools to provide training entirely online and through distance learning. Cloud Nine Yoga has been approved to offer Certification with 200 RYT & 500 RYT qualification to all our students!

We have 25 years of experience and expertise in Training Yoga Teachers. Teaching Yogis to share Yoga is our specialty and lifelong dedication. We offer a structured curriculum, organized training manual, and a supportive environment for learning - even if you are new to Yoga. Our foundational course allows you to confidently self-pace your training, offering the option for real-time practice classes and weekly mentor check-ins with our trainers.

Training Hours include:

  • Asana Intensives
  • Lectures
  • Peer Teaching Assignments
  • Yoga Practices
  • Anatomy Lessons

Other personal hours for the 200-hr RYT Certification include: Reading Homework, Anatomy Worksheets, Practice Teaching, Personal Research, Midterm, Final Exam, and Weekly Mentoring check-in sessions with Instructor(s).

Course Includes Practice Classes with Erika (recorded and live).

Recordings Include:


Subjects Covered:

Yoga Anatomy and Physiology, Applied Teaching Methodology and Practice, Sequencing, Yoga History & Philosophy, Yogic Living/Nutrition, Ethical Guidelines, Sanskrit, Asana Benefits & Contraindications, Cuing, Vocal & Hands-on Adjustments, Partner Work, Thai Yoga Massage, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Dieties & Avatars, Understanding the Importance of the Guru, The Schools of Yoga, Chakras & Psychology of Yoga, Mudra & Mantra, Bandhas & Kriyas, Ayurveda, The Business of Yoga: Professional Info for the Yoga Teacher, Yoga for Seniors & Motion Restriction (Chair Yoga), Intro to Pre Natal Yoga, Yoga for Kids, The Seven Moving Principles AND all the Asana Breakdowns for teaching all levels of students (Sun Salutations, Forward Bends, Back Bends, Inversions, Core Strengthening, Balancing & Standing Postures, Hip & Heart Openers).

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About the instructor
  • 9 Reviews
  • 147 Students
  • 12 Courses
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Erika Faith is the founder and director of Cloud Nine Yoga Schools, nationally recognized by The Yoga Alliance at the highest level since 2002.

Erika lives by trusting that miracles are waiting around every corner. She has been teaching yoga since 1995 and built Cloud Nine Yoga School in 1999, seeking to create a healing environment through a permission-based model for learning the practice of Yoga. She does this through affirmation, reflection, humor, music, poetry, and prayers. Erika inspires people to find their own source of wholeness by asking the deeper questions that bring personal insight, community awareness, and connection with the Great Spirit.

Student feedback
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  • Fri, 21-May-2021
    Jolie Sheppick
  • Sun, 08-Aug-2021
    Amanda Burns
    The best yoga training program out there. I look forward to completing my 300 hour with Erika and Cloud Nine in the future.
  • Sun, 27-Mar-2022
    suzanna mannion
    Life-changing, amazing curriculum. I'm moving on to the 300!
  • Mon, 19-Dec-2022
    Ingrid V Ureta Morales
  • Wed, 09-Aug-2023
    Darla Saunders
    This course has been the most beautiful, amazing, enriching experience. I have learned so much and grown in ways I could never had predicted when I started. I can't recommend this course highly enough.
  • Thu, 30-Nov-2023
    Katlin Luscombe